Brand, Branding, Brand Identity, Brand Strategy, Brand, Logo, Visual Identity … hey wait, what ?!
Eh yes, these terms are often confused or used interchangeably, and some really are. In this article I want to clarify the main terms that are used when talking about the identity of a company or a person. < / p>
Let’s start from the main term: the brand.
What is the Brand?
È l ‘set of visual, perceptual and emotional elements that are associated with certain companies, organizations, products or people. And that is precisely why it is so fundamental.
A strong brand is one that people fall in love with, trust or think is superior to others, greatly influencing the success of the company it represents. The brand is still an intangible asset , it is the reason why a consumer prefers one good (service or product) to another.
It is a decisive element for the relationship between company and consumer because it can give a high value to a product / service, without this necessarily has to do with its functionality or quality.
But, remember: the brand is NOT just the logo and using them as synonyms is deeply wrong.
Difference between Brand and Logo
When we talk about Brand, the Iceberg metaphor is usually used. Why?
The important (and dangerous) thing of the Icebergs is that much of the ice mass is underwater, not visible. About them we see only a tip. span > The same happens with Brand. We perceive, in particular, the aesthetic aspects, the image, the logo. The logo, in fact, is the tip of that Iceberg and it is the first thing people often see about a Brand. So Brand (or brand) is all there ‘ set that is seen or perceived by a company , the Logo < span style = "font-family: Poppins;"> is instead the symbol that represents and identifies the whole company brand.Difference between Logo and Brand
So: the logo can be a brand but the brand is not just a logo.
Other differences
Branding : is the process by which a Brand is communicated (and built) , therefore the process by which a company builds its brand, in practice.
Brand Identity : is what you can see, touch, feel: the logo, the packaging, the TV commercial, color or product. It is the set of all these things, which go to make up the identity and communication apparatus of a brand . Brand Strategy: is the action plan of a brand; provides a central idea and unitary around which all behaviors and all communication of a company must rotate. Brand Storytelling : tells the brand correctly, exploiting the brand identity and remaining consistent with the brand strategy.Conclusions
We understand the definition of brands and the most important differences.
It may seem like something not very useful or superfluous but it is essential if you want to be truly professional when working in the world of communication.
If you want to learn more, here is a good reading tip 🙂
Do you have other books to recommend on the world of the brand? Share them below in the comments!
Until next time 🙂